Wednesday, June 15, 2011

why the storm

i enjoy our life that peter and i have built for ourselves but BLOODY HELL WHY IS MONEY SO IMPORTANT!!!!!!!! when will the never ending financial be over when will be able to breath in the sea that surrounds our life? where is my life boat? where is my Carpathia to rescue my drowning family? people say that the first years of mariage are the hardest and for those that are in their first five years it is not just you that is having a hard time with money:). just keep praying for help those few :) it works i can't tell you how many time that i have offered up a mass to my family that the financial debt will be lifted just enough  that i can buy the two dollar shampoo instead of the fifty cent shampoo every time God gives me an answer. either in a family member offering to help us or finding out that a credit card that you have been paying but forgot all about has availible credit or a new job opportunity opens up or getting a refund from paying too much for something that you weren't expecting,there always seem to be just enough credit to squeeze by it is quite incredible. Thank you Lord for the answers to our prayers :)

Monday, June 13, 2011

We finnaly got a blog

hello out there WIDE WEB :) finnaly after many man years my family now has a blog ....... not sure if there are thing that are exciting to post but hey you never know what will fly out of our mouths.... or fingers :) i will have to think about this for a bit and write something that make you all cry, itsn't that what these BLOG things are for to make people cry ?
i will just say that this is an adventure and will hopful help with my writing and typing skills as spelling in not a hobey of mine nor is puncuation i just wanted to warn you all. for my family i may talk gosip in the unknown third person that does not mean that i am talking about you :) so don't ofended then again i don't know what i am going to use this for really people just say that i needed to get one life is as excitign as finding that last binkiy in the house under the couch and finding another one in the car that same day. that is like ice cream to me :) so have fun reading about my nothing ness and i will try to make it enjoyable :)